Imagine a personalized journal that not only unravels your unique set of human needs but also empowers you to precisely meet them every day — a journal that could become the blueprint for daily bliss. This isn't just a novel idea but a revolutionary method of self-awareness and fulfillment that I have termed the "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" Journal. In our pursuit of happiness, we often neglect the specific needs that make us truly content. This is more than just a feel-good theory; it's a practical application that promises to transform your understanding and experience of joy.

Unveiling Your Six Human Needs

At the core of the "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" methodology lies the recognition that as individuals, we have six fundamental human needs that form the basis of all our actions and desires. These needs are:

  • Certainty: Our need for a stable, predictable environment.
  • Variety: Our desire for new and different experiences.
  • Recognition: Our yearning to feel valued and appreciated.
  • Love & Connection: Our need for relationships and intimacy.
  • Growth: The need to develop and expand in meaningful ways.
  • Contribution: The desire to give beyond ourselves.

By recognizing and defining these needs within your personalized journal, you map out the terrain of your emotional landscape. Each need plays a crucial role in your overall sense of contentment and fulfillment.

Scheduling Your Needs, Not Just Your Time

The second phase of the "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" Journal is revolutionary in its simplicity. It involves scheduling time in your day to meet each of your six human needs, not unlike how you would block out time for meetings or chores. It's about creating harmony between the routine and the unexpected, love and labor, recognition and relaxation, in a way that's unique to you.

This approach ensures that you're not just going through the motions but designing your day to tend to what truly nourishes you. When you take control of your day in this manner, you fundamentally reshape the trajectory of your week, month, and life.

Real-Time Emotional Mapping

After scheduling your needs, the "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" Journal provides a simple but highly effective way to assess how well your plan has worked out. You'll learn to recognize which activities bring you joy, which ones drain you, and what changes you need to make tomorrow for an even better outcome.

The power of this approach lies in its immediacy — you can track your emotional response as events unfold. This real-time feedback enables you to make informed, on-the-fly decisions about the course of your day, enhancing productivity, creativity, and, most importantly, your satisfaction.

The Genius of Customization

Finally, what sets the "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" Journal apart is its adaptability to your unique identity. No two individuals share the same configuration of needs or the same schedule, making this a deeply personal tool. What works for you might not work for your friend, your partner, or even your mentor.

By testing and adjusting your personal schedule, you'll find a formula for daily joy that's tailor-made to your life. And as your needs and circumstances evolve, so too can your journal. It's a living, breathing document that grows with you, ensuring that you always have the keys to your own happiness.

Feel Good? Feel Bad? An Invitation to Beging

The "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" Journal is not just a tool; it's a philosophy that fosters a proactive, engaged life. It encourages us to live deliberately, to take ownership of our emotional well-being, and to savor the happiness that is uniquely ours.

I invite you to give this method a try. Start by jotting down your six human needs, then schedule your day to meet them, and finally, assess and adjust accordingly. The results may surprise you, offering not just a roadmap to joy but a path to a more fulfilled, purpose-driven life.

In an age of constant distraction, the "Feel Good? Feel Bad?" Journal is the ultimate act of self-love. It allows us to cultivate a profound awareness of our innermost desires and to live each day with intention. It's your journal, your life — why not make it a "Feel Good" investment?

- Grady Pope Needs Coach
