HAVE YOUR EVER wondered why some mornings you crave a hearty breakfast, while other days you yearn for a brisk walk or even a heart-to-heart chat? These cravings aren't random; they are very much tied to our body's natural rhythms and our human needs. In this article, we will explore how tuning into these needs at different times of the day can lead to better wellness, productivity, and overall health. By understanding and respecting these natural cravings, you can lead a more harmonious and fulfilled life.

Understanding Human Needs and Our Natural Cravings

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

To fully grasp why we crave certain things at different times, it's crucial to first understand Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. This psychological framework categorizes human needs into five distinct levels, arranged in a pyramid structure. At the base are basic physiological needs, such as food, water, shelter, and warmth, which are fundamental for survival. As we move up the pyramid, we encounter safety needs, which encompass personal security, financial stability, and health. The next level focuses on social needs, highlighting the importance of relationships, love, and belonging. The fourth level addresses esteem needs, which involve the desire for respect, recognition, and a sense of accomplishment. At the top of the pyramid is self-actualization—achieving one's full potential and pursuing personal growth and self-improvement. Recognizing these needs can help you understand not only what your body is asking for at any given moment but also the deeper psychological motivations behind those cravings.

Circadian Rhythms

Circadian rhythms are the natural cycles that regulate our sleep-wake patterns and other essential bodily functions over a 24-hour period. These biological rhythms are influenced by external cues like light and temperature, and they play a crucial role in determining our energy levels, mood, and overall health. Circadian rhythms influence hormone release, such as melatonin for sleep and cortisol for wakefulness, as well as eating habits and even body temperature. Disruptions to these rhythms, often caused by irregular sleep schedules or exposure to artificial light at night, can lead to various health issues, including sleep disorders and metabolic problems. Aligning our activities with these natural rhythms—by sleeping and eating at consistent times—can help us meet our needs more effectively, ultimately enhancing both mental and physical well-being, and allowing us to function at our best throughout the day.

Morning Cravings: Nourishment, Movement, Connection

Why We Crave Different Things in the Morning

Morning is a time of renewal and preparation for the day ahead, offering a fresh start filled with possibilities. Some people wake up starving, their bodies craving a nutritious breakfast packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to kickstart their metabolism and provide the energy needed for a busy day. Others may find themselves bursting with energy, eager to hit the gym for an invigorating workout or go for a run to clear their minds and get their blood pumping. Meanwhile, some individuals might crave social interaction, seeking out that morning chat with a friend or family member to feel connected and motivated, setting a positive tone for the day. Each morning presents an opportunity to cultivate habits and routines that serve individual needs and aspirations.

Activities That Align with Morning Cravings


  • Start your day with a balanced breakfast, such as a warm bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruits or a classic plate of eggs paired with whole-grain toast. This combination provides essential nutrients to fuel your body for the day ahead.
  • Consider drinking a nutrient-rich smoothie made with leafy greens, a banana, and a scoop of protein powder. This not only supports your energy levels but also delivers a variety of vitamins and minerals.


  • Engage in a morning jog through your neighborhood or a serene park to get your heart rate up and enjoy the fresh air. Alternatively, you could try a relaxing yoga session to stretch and awaken your muscles.
  • Incorporate quick home workout routines, such as jumping jacks, push-ups, or a short HIIT circuit, to elevate your energy levels and get the blood flowing throughout your body.


  • Take a moment to call a friend or family member to catch up on each other’s lives. Sharing stories and laughs can significantly boost your mood and strengthen your relationships.
  • Join a morning group activity, whether it’s a fitness class at your local gym or a community walk with neighbors. Connecting with others while being active can enhance both your social life and physical well-being.

Afternoon Lulls: Rest, Creativity, Solitude

The Common Afternoon Energy Dip

Many of us experience a noticeable dip in energy during the afternoon, commonly referred to as the "afternoon slump." This phenomenon is a natural aspect of our circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep-wake cycles and energy levels throughout the day. During this time, our body might crave rest, creative outlets, or even solitude to recharge and regain focus. It's important to recognize this pattern, as it can present an opportunity to step away from our tasks momentarily. Engaging in a brief walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in a creative hobby can help replenish our energy reserves and enhance productivity for the remainder of the day. Understanding and accommodating our body's needs can lead to better overall well-being and effectiveness in our daily activities.

Overcoming the Afternoon Slump


  • Taking a short, 20-minute nap can significantly rejuvenate both your body and mind, helping to boost your mood and improve focus for the tasks ahead. Finding a comfortable spot and allowing yourself to drift off can work wonders.
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation for a few minutes can help center your thoughts and reduce stress, making it easier to navigate the challenges of your day. Even just a few deep breaths in a quiet space can create a sense of calm.


  • Engaging in a creative hobby like drawing, writing, or crafting can not only be a fun escape but also stimulate your brain, fostering new ideas and perspectives. Dedicating time to create something unique can be incredibly fulfilling and therapeutic.
  • Brainstorming new ideas or participating in problem-solving exercises can ignite your creativity and help you think outside the box. Setting aside time to explore different concepts can lead to innovative solutions and breakthroughs.


  • Spending some quiet time alone, whether reading a book or reflecting on your thoughts, allows you to recharge and connect with your inner self. This deliberate solitude can enhance your clarity and help you gain insights into your goals and aspirations.
  • Going for a solitary walk can be a great way to clear your mind and reconnect with nature. The rhythmic motion of walking, combined with the sights and sounds around you, can spark inspiration and lead to moments of deep reflection.

Evening Desires: Relaxation, Reflection, Intimacy

Shift in Cravings Towards Evening

Evenings are often when we start winding down after a long day, allowing ourselves to transition from the hustle and bustle of daily life to a more peaceful state. As the sun sets and the world quiets, our bodies naturally crave relaxation, providing an opportunity to reflect on the day’s events and experiences. This time of day often invites us to engage in meaningful conversations, share stories, and foster intimate connections with loved ones, whether over a cozy dinner, a warm cup of tea, or simply by enjoying each other’s company in a comfortable setting. Embracing these moments helps us recharge and strengthens our emotional bonds.

Strategies for Winding Down Effectively


  • Taking a warm bath to soothe the muscles, perhaps adding some Epsom salts or essential oils to enhance the experience and promote relaxation.
  • Practicing deep breathing exercises or listening to calming music, which can help to clear the mind and reduce stress levels, allowing for a more peaceful state of being.


  • Journaling about the day's events and emotions, providing an opportunity to process experiences and identify any lingering feelings, which can lead to greater self-awareness.
  • Setting goals or planning for the next day, creating a clear outline of priorities to tackle, which can help relieve anxiety about the future and foster a sense of control.


  • Spending quality time with family or a partner, whether through a cozy dinner at home or an engaging activity outdoors, helps strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.
  • Engaging in meaningful conversations or shared activities, such as playing a game or watching a movie together, fosters connection and understanding, enriching relationships.

Negative Consequences of Ignoring Natural Cravings

Health and Productivity Issues

Ignoring your body's natural cravings can lead to a host of physical and mental problems. When you consistently deny your body's essential needs—whether it's hunger, thirst, or the need for rest—you may experience heightened stress levels, which can cascade into poor sleep patterns, fatigue, and even chronic health issues over time. Additionally, when you work against your body's natural rhythm, it can hinder your productivity significantly. This imbalance often leads to burnout, where your motivation wanes, and your efficiency declines, making it difficult to achieve your goals both personally and professionally.

Importance of Listening to Our Bodies

Listening to your body's signals isn't merely a wellness trend; it's a fundamental element for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. By attuning yourself to what your body needs and recognizing the appropriate times to address those needs—such as resting when you're fatigued or nourishing yourself when you're hungry—you can make informed adjustments to your daily routine. This practice not only fosters better physical health but also enhances mental clarity and emotional well-being. In turn, acknowledging and responding to your body's signals can lead to greater overall satisfaction in life, empowering you to pursue your passions with renewed energy and focus.

Examples of Different Cravings and Their Fulfillment

Morning Nourishment:

  • Jane, a dedicated teacher, finds that starting her day with a protein-packed smoothie not only helps her stay energized for her morning classes but also keeps her focused and alert while engaging with her students. She loves to blend a mix of spinach, banana, and Greek yogurt, which gives her the perfect boost to tackle her busy mornings.
  • Mark, a passionate software developer, prefers a hearty breakfast of eggs and toast to fuel his coding sessions. He enjoys making a delicious omelet loaded with vegetables, paired with whole-grain toast, as it provides him with the sustained energy he needs to tackle complex coding challenges and meet deadlines throughout the day.

Morning Movement:

  • Sarah, a marketing executive, enjoys a refreshing morning run through her neighborhood park. The crisp air helps clear her mind and allows her to set positive intentions for the day ahead, preparing her for the challenges of her job.
  • Tom, a dedicated personal trainer, starts his day with a calming yoga session in his living room. The gentle stretches and mindful breathing help him center himself, ensuring he's energized and focused for his busy schedule filled with clients.

Morning Connection:

  • Lisa, a remote worker, values her morning video call with her team. Each morning, she gathers with her colleagues over coffee to discuss the day's tasks and share updates, fostering a sense of connection and collaboration despite working from different locations.
  • John, a sales manager, finds daily inspiration in a morning huddle with his team. They exchange ideas, celebrate small wins, and motivate each other, creating a positive atmosphere that drives their collective success.

Afternoon Rest:

  • Emma, a talented graphic designer, recognizes the importance of taking a break. After a busy lunch, she indulges in a 15-minute nap, allowing herself to recharge and return to her work with renewed creativity and focus.
  • David, a meticulous financial analyst, believes in the power of mindfulness. He takes a few minutes during his afternoon to practice deep breathing and mindfulness exercises, helping him refocus and tackle the numbers with clarity.

Afternoon Creativity:

  • Rachel, a passionate content writer, seizes her afternoon lull as a golden opportunity. She uses this quieter time to brainstorm fresh article ideas, letting her imagination flow freely as she jots down notes in her trusty notebook.
  • Paul, an innovative architect, takes a moment during his afternoon break to sketch new designs. With a pencil in hand, he translates his thoughts onto paper, allowing his creativity to flourish as he envisions the structures of the future.

Afternoon Solitude:

  • Jessica, a compassionate nurse, values her breaks as moments of peace. She often finds a quiet corner in the hospital to immerse herself in a good book, letting the words transport her far away from the hustle and bustle of her demanding job.
  • Michael, a hardworking lawyer, takes a solitary walk around the block during his break. This time alone allows him to process the day’s events, reflecting on cases and finding clarity before he returns to the office.

Evening Relaxation:

  • Olivia, a busy student, has a calming routine to unwind after a long day of classes. She enjoys a warm, soothing bath, complemented by some soft, calming music that helps her wash away the stress of her studies.
  • Henry, an engineer with a keen interest in technology, cherishes his quiet evenings. He often settles down with his favorite TV show, finding joy in the stories and characters that provide a welcome escape from his analytical work.

Evening Reflection:

  • Anna, a thoughtful psychologist, dedicates time each evening to journal about her day. She reflects on her experiences and the interactions she had, setting goals for tomorrow that align with her personal and professional growth.
  • James, a creative chef, takes a moment to reflect while preparing dinner. As he chops vegetables and stirs his sauces, he contemplates the day’s events and recalls the moments that inspired his culinary creations.

Evening Intimacy:

  • Claire, a passionate business owner, cherishes the time spent with her family after dinner. They share stories and laughter, creating memories that strengthen their bonds and help her unwind from the stresses of running a business.
  • Robert, a dedicated teacher, values the meaningful conversations he has with his partner before bed. These intimate chats allow them to connect deeply, discussing their day and sharing their dreams, fostering a loving and supportive relationship.

Our Needs and the Natural Rhythm of Our Day

Understanding and honoring your natural cravings can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. It’s essential to recognize that our bodies communicate their needs through various signals, and tuning in to these can greatly enhance our overall well-being. By paying attention to your body's cues—whether it’s hunger, fatigue, or the need for movement—and aligning your daily activities with your natural rhythms, you can significantly improve your wellness, productivity, and overall health.

For instance, if you notice a pattern of feeling more energetic in the morning, you might choose to schedule your most demanding tasks during that time. Conversely, if you tend to feel sluggish in the afternoon, it could be beneficial to plan for lighter activities or take breaks to recharge. Start by observing your own patterns and making small adjustments to better meet your needs. By doing so, you create a lifestyle that not only supports your physical health but also nurtures your mental and emotional well-being, leading to a more harmonious and satisfying life.

-Grady Pope Human Needs Coach

Feel Good? Feel Bad? - Human Needs Journal & Planner
